Where do objects come from? II

22 Mar 2016

Kent Beck has a series of articles, describing various origins of objects, "Objects from States", "Objects from Variables", "Objects from Collections", "Objects From Methods".

I think it's an interesting question, and Kent Beck didn't exhaust it.

One rule of thumb which I think is present (at least implicitly?) in Bob Martin's Clean Code, and I have heard expressed more explicitly by J.B. Rainsberger, is that improving code often means taking something described as "mostly X, but a little Y", and refactoring to make it "just X".

Let's imagine a class described as "mostly just wires together a few things", and let's further imagine that we have already refactored it into "startling purity". After this refactoring, it might look like this:

class Wiring {
    Wiring(Foo* f) :
      baz(&bar, f),
    void Do() {
    Bar bar;
    Baz baz;
    Qux qux;

In the course of refactoring it from "mostly" to "purely", we spun off some residue into a new class. Let's speculate about what that residue might have been. Was it that we only sometimes do?

if (quux.Test()) {

Alternatively, was it that we repeatedly do?

while (not quux.Done()) {

Or was it that we had a little chain going on?


Each of these "surds" (and many more that I have not listed here) are perfectly good objects. I would love to connect them to, say, Erik Meijer's Rx, providing fictitious origin stories for each Rx stream combinator.